
Gen Verde in Concert, September 27, 2020, Inspired by the Life and Works of St. Vincent de Paul

One in Hope: Gen Verde in Concert on September 27, 2020 at 3 PM EDT live on YouTube ( An event promoted and organized with the Vincentian Family, inspired by the life and work of St. Vincent de Paul. The first step of a great project.

St. Vincent’s Charitable Association Mobilizes During the Pandemic (Peru)

ACASVI (St. Vincent’s Charitable Association) has provided comprehensive services to some sixty-five elderly men and women.

FHA Commission member appointed to the UK House of Lords

FHA Commission Member Dame Louise Casey has been appointed for a life peerage in the House of Lords, the upper chamber of the UK Parliament.

The Congregation of the Mission holds its first Missionary Vocation Festival

The first Missionary Vocation Festival began on September 1st and was attended by more than 300 people via Zoom from the five continents.

Mentoring @NiagaraUniv #IamVincent

Mentoring @NiagaraUniv #IamVincent

The first week of school brings with it many things. For Niagara University and Niagara Falls High School, the 2016-2017 academic year will begin with a new mentoring program. Announced today, the Big Eagle Little Eagle program will assist Niagara Falls High School...

Niagara University Launches New Mission Website

Niagara University Launches New Mission Website

"NU Embodies the vision of St. Vincent de Paul in our Scholarship, Teaching & Service." On August 22, Niagara University launched a new mission website highlighting their central purpose and values. It also includes a section with news and events which show their...