
The Pope Video • Women in Leadership Roles in the Church

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Women in Leadership Roles in the Church.

Who’s the Boss

A number of years ago, my sister, a critical care nurse, wrote a piece for a local newspaper about care for homebound patients called “Who’s the Boss”

Second Meeting of the Vincentian Indigenous Confraternity

The Vincentian Indigenous Confraternity, during their second virtual meeting, decided to establish a team that would take responsibility for our external communication.

Slum Dwelling: Annual Theme 2020

Over the past two years, the Vincentian Family’s annual theme has focused on forced displacement and street homelessness. For 2020, we are focusing on slum dwellers.

Nuns Build 2016 – New Orleans

Nuns Build 2016 – New Orleans

Hanging drywall? Installing floors? These are no easy tasks but that doesn't scare away nearly 100 nuns and members of Catholic communities across the country from rebuilding houses in New Orleans. Nuns Build 2016, an effort done in conjunction with the St. Bernard...