
The unforgettable experience of a Venezuelan volunteer in Bogota

It is Faith and total trust in God and the Miraculous Virgin that has enabled the Daughters of Charity to overcome the very difficult times that the pandemic has forced them to confront.

Interview with Kilver Fuentes, participant in the January 2020 Vincentian Family Meeting

For the first time I saw how much of an impact St. Vincent de Paul had left on so many people. It is not just a devotion – it is a life style.

FHA Conference on Refugees, Internally Displaced People and Human Trafficking

The FHA will be hosting its second conference, which will be a hybrid event combining in-person and virtual opportunities, ensuring accessibility for all members of the Vincentian Family.

Inteview with Sr. M. Gerlinde Kätzler, Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Zams, Austria

What is the story and the mission of your Congregation? Our motherhouse was built in 1811 by the dean of Zams, Nikolaus Tolentin -Schuler. He was looking for women to care for the sick of the village and especially to teach the girls. In 1822, he sent the head of the...