
Donations to Ukraine

As the war in Ukraine continues, so do the tragedies which result from it: displacement, hunger, lack of access to medical needs, and the list goes on and sinfully on.

All of a Sudden…

We are witnessing the high price to be paid for freedom, and the slow and arduous road to building peace through dialogue and negotiation.

DePaul International: Update on Ukraine (April 7)

“In the hardest hit areas, people are unable to buy even the most basic of supplies as shops and pharmacies remain closed. The people of Ukraine have never needed our help more.”

Measurement of Homelessness

Is homelessness increasing or decreasing? Are certain subgroups overrepresented in the population of people experiencing homelessness in a particular community?

Catholics, Advocacy And Systemic Change

Catholics, Advocacy And Systemic Change

The Vincentian Family, devoted to the poor, should be one of the loudest voices advocating for real and permanent change of the systems and structures and decisions that make and keep people poor.