
Firewood for the Soul: Advent Increases Our Hope

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Simplicity and Humility in our Preaching and in our Life • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"God is with the simple and humble; He assists them, blesses their work, blesses their undertakings. Quoi! Are we to believe that God will help a person who’s trying to ruin himself? That He’ll help a man ruin himself, as do those who preach other than humbly and...

The Miraculous Medal Association and the Vincentian Family

What are the bonds between the Miraculous Medal and the Vincentian Family? Slideshare presentation with reflection questions to share with your group.

The Early Church Had No “Office of Evangelization”

Jesus did not establish the church as an institution with a slick “Public Relations” plan. His followers were attracted by his message.

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Contemplate the Baby Lying in the Manger

Jesus is the Savior, Messiah and Lord.  To know and accept him, we first have to contemplate the baby lying in the manger. One can take it, for sure, that the shepherds cannot bear contemplate the very bright light that shine around them.  For great fear strikes them....