
A Vincentian Way to be Christ’s Disciple and Missionary

Ever wonder what it was like to be a missionary? Read this informational brochure from MISEVI International!

Firewood for the Soul: Christmas, Time for Joy

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

Affective and Effective Work (Love) • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"There are among you some Sisters who really love God, who experience great sweetness in prayer, great pleasure in all their spiritual exercises, great consolation in frequenting the sacraments, and experience no inner conflict, because of their love of God, who...

Vincentian Advent Reflections 2023 – Week 3

The Lord Jesus will speak to us through contact with those we serve.

Tempt Someone Is Not What God Does

Tempt Someone Is Not What God Does

Jesus let the devil tempt him just as we are tempted, though he did not sin.  Hence, he can feel for us who are weak, and lift us up. James makes clear that God does not tempt us.  We are tempted by our own evil desire. Today’s first reading and gospel, though,...