
Mercy That We Find Hard to Understand

Jesus Christ is the incarnation and personification of divine mercy (DM 2). Dwelling among us, he hopes that God’s mercy will rub on us human beings. Sinners draw near to listen to Jesus. He welcomes them, and he even eats with them, which bothers the Pharisees and...

New Series – Praying With Pictures at the Back of Our Minds

The images in our minds can haunt or inspire us to prayer. This new weekly series hopes to be the inspiration for brief, spontaeous moments of prayer.

The Vincentian Conference: a community of Faith, Hope and Charity

Being part of a Vincentian Conference is a magnificent gift from God. In it we can practice our beautiful Catholic faith, make sincere friends, meet new people, help those who need it and improve our spiritual life.

My Vincentian Visa Is Up To Date – Is Yours?

When we meet, we can’t help it – we talk “Vincentian.” We value and recall our roots. We are very much Vincent’s children living and acting in mission on the “signs of the times.”

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