
Future, Past, and Present: A Science Fiction Parable

We see so little of God’s creation! Yet we still think of our world as the center of creation, our culture as the model for all cultures.

The God of Creation

Images for God — metaphors and visuals that catch something more fundamental and grounded than ideas for God.

Any Memories of Your Grandparents?

My personal relationship with my grandparents is complicated. I never knew either my father’s or mother’s parents.

Contemplation: The Bashful Poor

This post originally appeared on Effective Conferences, our manual explains, are “reachable.” [Manual, 26] While most Conferences make every effort to ensure that their phone number, along with perhaps a website and email address, are well-publicized and...

Many a mickle makes a muckle

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), July 26, 2015 – 2 Kgs 4, 42-44; Eph 4, 1-6; Jn 6, 1-15 One body and one Spirit (Eph 4, 4) Jesus is our shepherd. We will lack nothing if we remain united to him. Jesus goes with his disciples to a foreign territory. A large...

“One Heart” – Patrick Griffin CM

“One Heart” – Patrick Griffin CM

Patrick Griffin CM continues his series on Considering Consecrated Life with this reflection on  “One Heart”  “We have only one heart. . .” (Laudato Si’, Pope Francis, 24 May 2015, 92) Laudato Si’ has challenged me both to meditate and to learn. I find myself...

Vincentians – A Reconciling Tradition

Vincentians – A Reconciling Tradition

“to be in this Family of Vincent and Frederick (and all its other peace-bringers) is to be influenced by this reconciling strain in the Family history”theme of being a reconciler, a bringer of peace, a person who would stand in the middle and work to bring disparate sides together.”