
Vincentian Embodiment of the Jesus Movement

Thinking about the Vincentian Movement as being rooted in an awareness of God’s love which radiates out in widening circles.

Rise or Fall, Live or Die, Yes or No

Jesus comes down from heaven and dwells among us.  He takes up our flesh of death to give us spirit and life.  He wants us to rise. The Jews were the ones who grumbled before when Jesus said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”  Those who grumble now are...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? VII

As Vincent engages with the downtrodden, he senses being a part of that current of God’s out-flowing love to these men and women.

Have You Ever Been Afraid?

The feast of the Assumption holds great hope for us.

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Meeting Christ in Prison #IamVincent

Father McGeough agreed, saying that, “I’ve been a priest for 40 years, and I’ve never been thanked so much for just showing up. You will get a lot of gratitude in this ministry.” AT an informational meeting in the Diocese of Trenton (New Jersey, USA) pastoral center,...

On Not Shutting Down

On Not Shutting Down

I know two young men who were given a set of CD’s of the greats in classical music. Neither of them ever listened to nor had any appreciation for this kind of track. The one said, “This stuff is boring and even hard on my ears. I’ll humor my uncle who gave them to me,...

On Not Shutting Down

Living in a Time of Extremes

To us who live in a time when extremes on the left and right of the spectrum seem glaring, St. Paul comes with this counsel for keeping on course. “Do not conform yourselves to this age. But be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” To paraphrase him, “There are...

Fruit of Righteousness that the Kingdom Demands

Petty and Narrow Self-Interests

Jesus dies for us sinners.  That is how the God of unfathomable goodness proves his love for us as petty and stingy as we are. Our petty desires for gain, power and security hinder the revelation of truth.  And not knowing the truth leads to people’s...