
Mary’s Experience of Her Son’s Resurrection

“How was your Easter?” How many times have you said that recently? Usually, it leads to a lively conversation about family gatherings, etc.

Black Catholics and Racial Injustice

As North American social justice advocates from various branches of the Vincentian Family we have continually addressed the situation of people disadvantaged by racial injustice.

Can one word change the world? Yes!

Today I would like to explore the “annunciation” of the greatest change in human thinking. Mary’s yes changed HER world … and OUR world! 

Palpable, Touchable, Visible, True

Jesus makes palpable God, whom no one has seen or touched.  True disciples do not rest till their Teacher is palpable to them. Jesus knows that when he shows up risen, his disciples will think they see a ghost.  They will want him to be palpable.  That is why he has...
An Examen for Racism

An Examen for Racism

Our Vincentian family social justice have been discussing systemic racism in North America over this past year and its effect on the dignity and equality for each person’s human right and desire to live and participate in the common good for all.

Out of Cycle, the Usual, the Customary

Out of Cycle, the Usual, the Customary

In the person of Jesus is revealed that God’s love prevails in the end (Advent 2002). Christians, then, cannot but break out of the cycle of hopelessness. For those who have a cyclical view of time, events simply come back. Nothing new comes out of the cycle. No new...