
What Must We As Vincentian Family Do?

With the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we are all struggling to make sense of the past few weeks since the murder of George Floyd.

Novena to St. Vincent de Paul

Make a novena to St. Vincent de Paul. Printable and mobile friendly.

Recognizing the Body Of Christ Today

Gradually I became aware of the Body of Christ frozen in time in Michelangelo’s masterpiece, The Pieta.

The Most Vulnerable Among the Vulnerable

There are indications that some Native American populations are facing a disproportionate brunt of the COVID-19 epidemic with higher infection and mortality rates than the overall U.S. population. 

“The Excluded Are Still Waiting”

“The Excluded Are Still Waiting”

Digital artist Sr. Ellen LaCapria, D.C. offers a visual aid to enter into contemplation about those excluded and trapped in cycles of poverty. This image arose from her reflection on Pope Francis' Gospel of Joy. This is the second installment of her weekly artistic...

Healthy and liberating insecurity

Second Sunday of Lent (A), March 16, 2014 – Gen 12, 1-4; 2 Tim 1, 8b-10; Mt 17, 1-9 Bear your share of hardship for the gospel (2 Tim 1, 8) Jesus came from the Father and has come into the world to save us.  We will be saved if we imitate him, leaving the familiar and...

Ash Wednesday, Lent – in two minutes

Ash Wednesday, Lent – in two minutes

Looking for a quick way to explain Ash Wednesday to your friends? Look no further than Busted Halo’s® two-minute video that describes the day which begins the season of Lent, and why Catholics and many Christians receive ashes on their foreheads. First released for...

No to “Every man for himself”

First Sunday of Lent (A), March 9, 2014 – Gen 2, 7-9; 3, 1-7; Rom 5, 12-19; Mt 4, 1-11 Through the obedience of the one, the many will be made righteous (Rom 5, 19) The new Adam overcomes temptations.  Through him, we are provided with a way out of trials, so that we...