
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #5: If One Should Die During a Pandemic, it is a Lonely Death!

Today, more than ever, we need people who, following the example of Sister Marguerite Naseau, the first Daughter of Charity, are willing to serve the poor and the sick with the boldness and courage of this simple, country woman.

Receiving Communion (Mt 10:40, Lk 10:16; Jn 13:20)

After impressing on the disciples who he is and what he stands for, he declares, “whoever receives you receives me.”

Daring To Pray For Structural Change

Everyone wants structural change. Do we pray for it?

Respond to More than Just Our Needs

Jesus is a man for others.  That is why he cannot but respond to their needs.  To be his disciple means to follow his example. The crowds do not leave Jesus alone.  They must take him for someone who is ready to respond to their needs. And those who go to Jesus do not...