
The Small Graces We Receive from God • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

We are not sufficiently grateful for God's little benefits. We thank Him for having created and redeemed us, and given us good parents, and a wife, and beloved children, and for so often giving us Himself in the Sacrament of the Altar. But besides these powerful...

Saint Vincent and Saint Louise Played a Central Part in the 17th-Century French Church

In this presentation, Fr. Raymond Deville, S.S. invites us to “situate” Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac at the heart of the spiritual and missionary renewal in seventeenth-century France.

Questioning God’s First Question, Where Are You?

Do you remember God’s first question? It’s one parents often ask their children. But it is also one that has many meanings according to the context.

Justice’s Role to Prevent the Attack

Blessed Frederic Ozanam wrote, “Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveler who has been attacked. It is justice’s role to prevent the attack.”[

Jesus and the Homeless

Jesus and the Homeless

Gerald O’Collins SJ asks us to think about the way in which Jesus identified himself with the homeless, and took every opportunity to speak about and help them. When we consider that Jesus himself was homeless for much of his life, how does this challenge us to see the face of Jesus in all of those in need?

He nails it

Third Sunday of Lent (B), March 8, 2015 – Ex 20, 1-17; 1 Cor 1, 22-25; Jn 2, 13-25 Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom (1 Cor 1, 22) Jesus is doing something new that is already perceivable. We must fix our gaze on it, no longer remembering the events of the...