
Blesseds of the Vincentian Family: Bl. Ghebre-Michael

Blessed Ghebre-Michael (Feast day: August 30) was an associate of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. in Ethiopia.

That “Other” Virus

I am not aware of anyone writing about the impact of Zooming on the Vincentian Charism. I offer this “Mindwalk” as personal reflections.

Good News From a Homeless Student!

“The Dax Program was life-changing for me. I would have never been able to finish at DePaul had it not been for Dax.”

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #9: Affective and effective solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

I had not settled into my new missionary appointment when I was confronted with a series of restrictions, confinement, fear and uncertainty.

Inventive love blooming where it is planted

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (B), June 7, 2015 – Ex 24, 3-8; Heb 9, 11-15; Mk 14, 12-16. 22-26 He is mediator of a new covenant (Heb 9, 15) To belong to the new covenant is to draw our life from Jesus’ love and to live loving as he did. Since Jesus shed his...