
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 23: In Solidarity with Those who Suffer

I believe that there has been an extraordinary expression of solidarity among people, especially as people reach out to assist those who have suffered the most.

In The Mood (Mk 13:37)

We’ve all heard the term “mood music.” It refers to the power music has to set a tone, move us through different feeling states.

How a Baby Changes Everything

A baby changes everything. Never was that truer than in the birth of the one we call Jesus of Nazareth. The birth of Jesus literally changed everything for everyone.

Advent Reflections: Vincentian Family Office (Part One)

During the Advent Season, each one of the four members of the International Vincentian Family Office will offer a brief video. Part One

5 Minutes With Sr. Rosalie Rendu

5 Minutes With Sr. Rosalie Rendu

Spend 5 minutes in quiet reflective thought about Blessed Sister Rosalie with this video based on her correspondence and the witness of her Sisters. You will soon see that she was sensitive to all suffering: “There is something that is choking me and takes away my...

February 7: Feast of Bl. Rosalie Rendu

February 7: Feast of Bl. Rosalie Rendu

From the age of reason, Jeanne [Sr. Rosalie] had thought of consecrating herself to God. None of the joys of the world attracted her. She wanted no part of its celebrations or glitter. At the same time, she felt drawn by its groans and misery. -Armand de Melun

Who am I? Who loves me?

Who am I? Who loves me?

Who am I? Who loves me? These are some of the questions that Sr. Janet Gildea, SC asks in "Getting a Life This Lent." E-Voc is the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is...

#IamVincent: Learning to Serve

#IamVincent: Learning to Serve

Learning to serve is the motto of VinFormation! Double-click the video to watch in full screen... “Learning to Serve”, also known as “VinFormation” is... Learning to serve those living in poverty Changing our ways of thinking about how we...