
Matters Concerning the Sick: A Vincentian Perspective

Presentation based on an article by Vicente de Dios Toribio, C.M.

Can We Recognize Ourselves?

Can we recognize ourselves as modern “passers-by”?

You Have but One Teacher and You Are All Siblings

World Day of the sick is February 11. Started by Pope John Paul II, it is a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering illnesses and their caregivers.

Arts Highlight “Year for the Homeless”

Arts help calling people to prayer, commissioning a special requiem Mass and holding a series of fundraisers via Zoom to help the homeless.

You Are Somebody

You Are Somebody

“You Are Somebody…”       (John 15) (Homily at the Farewell Mass for the departing members of the 2015/16 Vincentian Mission Corps, St. Louis) Jesus confides in His disciples today, “I have told you this, that your joy may be complete.” Or to put it another way: “I...

Fishers of Men and Women, Sinners All

Fullness par excellence and unequaled

In Jesus dwells all the fullness; those who treat the helpless with mercy are surely partakers of his fullness. “And who is my neighbor?” asks a scholar of the law who wants to justify himself.  He is also one of those experts who like to test Jesus.  They think they...

Be a Sign – Everyday Formation

Be a Sign – Everyday Formation

Be a Sign - Everyday Formation – Vincentian Prayer - Vincentian’s Clean Heart Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Be a Sign - We, as Vincentians are a sign to others.  We do not have to preach, but we must be the sign.  Called as Vincentians we...

Blogging for Others

In a little blog called "The Known Soul" I encountered this. After the distractions fade away, what are we left with? What sorts of things have we glanced past while we run around all day long? It was one evening a few weeks ago that I looked outside, and saw the...