
Which Labor Day Are You Celebrating?

Is Labor Day the last hurrah of summer? The weekend to catch supposedly fantastic sales? A recognition of the dignity of work? It is all that and more!

Novena prayer in Memory of Bl. Frédéric Ozanam

Every year, from September 1 to 9, people around the world are invited to say this novena prayer for Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.

A Vincentian View: A Simple Man

I would love to have people describe me as “a simple man.”

Sustainable Development Goal 16:  Welcome to “The Enabler”!

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

Accompanying Refugees

Accompanying Refugees

Sister Magdalena Herrera, DC offered her shocking testimony on the work of the Daughters of Charity of the Province of Spain-South, accompanying vulnerable women who come to the “Alma Vincentiana” Project”

Remembering the Lord

Remembering the Lord

In Kishwahili language of Africa, the Book of Deuteronomy in Bible is called “Kumbukumbu la Torati” which means “Remembering the Torah”. This name is very apt to this book because we find in it in many places there is a constant appeal to the Israelites to remember...

Wonder Women – Vincentian style

Wonder Women – Vincentian style

A recent post in the National Catholic Reporter, "Does Christianity have a Wonder Woman”, triggered thoughts about the women in our own Vincentian tradition. In the Reporter, Jennifer Mertens wrote: As one of millions who have been introduced (or reintroduced) to...

The Value of Effort

The Value of Effort

At this time, in many countries of the northern hemisphere the school year begins. As a reflection on the value of effort and the importance of education, we invite you to see, comment and share the following video, an animated short story that tells us how education...