
Driving a Car For the Last Time

In my mid-eighties, I knew the day would come when I would no longer drive.

A Canadian View: The Times, They Are A-Changing

As I resume my Famvin articles, much has happened over the past summer months.

Looking Out and Looking Up (Luke 19:1-10)

Luke’s 19th chapter begins with a story of “two people looking.”

How Many Saints Do You Know?

I grant there may be few among us who have had the privilege of meeting the likes of the saint we call Mother Theresa. Yet, you and I have touched, or been touched by, saints.

Remember Jesus, His Works and Words

Remember Jesus, His Works and Words

Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and the Son of Mary, has risen! We should remember him and also preach him as our Good News (2 Tim 2, 8). We Christians love Jesus Christ although we have not seen him. And even though we do not see him now yet we believe in him...