
Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (April 03)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

A Vincentian Minute: A Vincentian Lent (Part 4)

In this series, Fr. Rooney relates the themes of Lent to Vincentian Spiritual Practice.

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (April 01)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

Palm Sunday Reflection

A short reflection for Palm Sunday for the Vincentian Family (slide presentation).

Is the Church a Closet?

Is the Church a Closet?

Is the Church like a closet where we wistfully keep things from the past, a dreary chamber filled only with us, our problems and our disappointments? Then it will be impossible to recognize God’s silent and unassuming presence.

Patient and Lowly as Jesus and Farmers

Jesus is meek and lowly of heart.  He wants us to catch his meekness and lowliness.  Needless to say, the meek and lowly are patient, too, and they put their trust in God. Jesus is a good and patient Teacher.  And “teacher” is the title he receives more than any...