Daughters of Charity

60 Seconds with Sister Carmeli Proano

Sister Carmeli Proano, D.C., gives us 60 seconds about the value of community life as a Daughter of Charity. https://youtu.be/z5TOZ_r6Jio http://daughters-of-charity.com/year-of-consecrated-life As followers to the call of consecrated life, Daughters of Charity are...

January 7: Feast of Blessed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira

In her vocational journey as a Daughter of Charity, Blesssed Lindalva Justo de Oliveira was sent to Salvador in Bahia, Brazil to a shelter for the elderly called “Dom Pedro II”. Like Marguerite Naseau, the good country girl at the time of Saint Vincent (the “first...

A mission continues! Tale of two Marillacs

A mission continues in A Tale of Two Marillacs: A Christmas Story by Sister Catherine Madigan, D.C. Once upon a time there were two Marillacs: Marillac High School in Northfield, Ill. (which closed in 1995), and Marillac House in westside Chicago (continuing after 100...

Can I go to them?

Can I go to them? This is the question Pope Francis asked when he learned that three people were killed in a neighborhood of Bangui, capital of the war-torn Central African Republic. It wasn’t in the schedule so the Pope immediately asked the Nuncio: ‘can I go, can I...

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