Vincentian Family Office

Expo Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the death of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, a pioneer of the Vincentian Family in the United States, an exhibit was held at the Mother House.

Building Houses for Needy Families in Malawi

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), within the framework of “13 Houses Campaign” Famvin initiative, promotes the construction of 15 homes.

Building Houses, Rebuilding Lives: “Ozanam Village”

This was the fourth village that was built for the victims of the super typhoon Yolanda (internationally known as Haiyan) under the “Building houses, rebuilding lives” project financed by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, via the Commission for International Aid and Development (CIAD).

Fasting: SSVP Council General Launches Campaign for Canonization of Bl. Frédéric Ozanam

Every month, on the 23rd, SSVP members are urged to fast until his canonization reaches a successful conclusion.