Vincentian Family Office

“It is in everyday life that we discern our call,” says Sister Maria Rita

We spoke with Sister Maria Rita, who has recently been sent on her first mission, in Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil).

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 13

In the name of the commission, Father Rolando Gutiérrez reminded the delegates this was the time to share in a plenary session the lines of action of the respective continental groups.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 12

The Synthesis Commission presented its work, and time was allotted for commentary and amendments to the work. Father Daniel Pilario explained the manner in which the document was developed and described the steps that would be taken so that a Final Document is approved.

Visit to the Generalate of the Brothers of Charity in Rome

Fr. Joseph Agostino, CM, director of the Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia (USA), visited Bro. Rene Stockman, Superior General of the the Brothers of Charity, and Venance Kapita, member of the Vincentian Family Retreat Task Force.

Confraternity of Vincentian Teachers in Latin America

Confraternity of Vincentian Teachers in Latin America

As explained on the FAMVIN website: “The Vincentian Family is composed of many groups of Christians who, following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul, want to continue the mission of Christ by announcing the Good News of God’s love to the poor … and they do...

International Water Day

International Water Day

This week and every week, as we celebrate #InternationalWaterDay, let us be more cognizant of our responsibility to limit water-waste, to fund sustainable water projects around the world, and to appreciate what keeps us alive.