Vincentian Family Office

Typhoon-resistant Houses and Repair Kits: an Update on the Vincentian Response in the Philippines

Thanks to your generous donations (a total of $ 118,236.27) the FHA was able to provide funds for 100 house repair kits and the construction of 13 typhoon-resistant houses.

New Year’s Message From Depaul’s CEO Matthew Carter

My first visit to Ukraine will stay with me forever. In times of crisis, it is always incredible to witness how communities and individuals come together to play such a pivotal part in helping those around them.

100 years of the presence of the Congregation of the Mission in India

Visitors of Spain had been invited to travel to India to celebrate the centenary of the arrival of the first missionaries of the Congregation from Spain.

Ukraine: a Mission of Peace and Charity

On 7 and 8 December, on neutral ground (Hungary), the Council General International received a delegation of four Ukrainian SSVP ladies. As the airspace is blocked because of the war, there are no flights in the Ukraine, so the delegation travelled by train and car to meet us.