Ross Dizon


Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks the good of the sheep.  He is not like those who steal, slaughter and destroy as they seek their own good. Jesus has compassion for the crowds, for they are troubled and abandoned like sheep that have no shepherd.  A circumstance, then,...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Table to Which Jesus Invites us

Jesus gives us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink.  To sit down at his table means to be one with him and with others. Jesus tells the Jews, that is to say, the Jewish religious authorities, that the bread he will give is his flesh.  This gives rise to a quarrel...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Savor the Love that God Has for Us

Jesus shows the depth of God’s love to the end.  To savor such love is to know the One who creates us and is with us and makes us breathe. Those who cherish the law, the Torah, savor it, for they find it to be sweeter than honey.  So, Jesus who fulfills the law and...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Breath that Creates, Gives Life and Renews

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has come so that his followers, his sheep, may have life and have it to the full.  He passes on to them his breath. In the Acts of the Apostles, fifty days separate Pentecost from Easter.  But that is not so in John’s Gospel that we hear or...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Emmanuel, That Is to Say, God-with-Us

Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, is Emmanuel, God-with-us.  He is with us always, until the end. The first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew proclaims that Jesus is Emmanuel, God-with-us.  And the last chapter narrates...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Defend Those Who Are Poor and Helpless

Jesus lives.  That is why they see him and live those who believe in him, and love him.  The Spirit of truth does not fail to defend them. Jesus takes leave of his disciples.  For comes the hour for him to give his body up and to shed his blood.  Hence, they are sad...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Splendor of Christ on the Cross

Hanging on the cross, Jesus is clothed with the splendor of self-emptying love.  He thus is the source of blessings. Jesus was deeply troubled as he told his disciples that one of them would betray him.  This and the thought that he would soon suffer and die must have...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Grasp What Jesus Is, What He Says and Does

Jesus who is close to the Father’s heart makes him known to us.  It is crucial that we grasp what Jesus is, what he says and does. Those to whom Jesus speaks do not grasp what he teaches by way of a figure of speech.  And they are not the disciples but the Pharisees. ...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Revive the Faith of The Faltering

Jesus feeds us with his word and his body and blood.  He makes us live and seeks to revive the faith of those who falter.  For sure, Jesus did revive the hopes of those who longed to see their homeland free from the rule of Rome.  If he did not do so, the crowds would...

Sheep Who Do Not Have a Shepherd

Send Jesus, Send the Disciples

Jesus is God’s Sent One to announce the Good News to the poor.  And the Sent One, in turn, does not hesitate to send his disciples. Jesus tells his disciples that for him to send them is to give them a share in his own mission.  For he says to them, “As the Father has...