Ross Dizon


Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Jesus has the words of eternal life.  True disciples hear and do his words, even though they may find them hard and painful to swallow. Those from Judea, who grumble against a Galilean from Nazareth and later quarreled among themselves, spread unbelief.  For, soon...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Signs for Those Who Are Insatiably Hungry

No one feels more for us in our needs than the one who lays down his life for us. Those who, seeing signs, go to him and believe in him will never hunger. The crowd finally finds the one they are seeking.  But he does not seem to be as welcoming as when he fed them. ...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Little, but More than Enough for Everyone

Jesus feeds us.  He wants us to do for others what he does for us, giving him the little we have, so that we all may have our fill. The disciples think that to answer for those who have nothing to eat means not to answer for them at all. That is because, according to...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Responsible to a Higher Authority

Jesus is the shepherd that God has raised up in these last days.  He responds to the needs of those who are like sheep without a shepherd.  Are we that responsible? The rulers of the people are not responsible.  So, they are condemned by the one who has appointed them...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Jesus, though without sin, embodies what it means to repent.  He calls us to preach repentance and become the visible and effective sign of what we preach. Jesus begins his public ministry, proclaiming:  “The kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe in the...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Jesus is the definitive answer to the prayers of those who bemoan that there are no prophets.  That is how wanted prophets are. That prophets are that wanted is clear in the lament, “Now we see no signs, we have no prophets.”  We read something like it in Lam 2, 9. ...

Hard Times of Crisis and Decision of Faith

Sensitivity of Faith in the Face of Death

Jesus wants to bring light to those who live in the shadow of death. If we just have faith and Jesus’ sensitivity, his wish for us will come true. Neighbors and relatives rejoiced with Elizabeth. But they did not really experience her sensitivity to the merciful God....