Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Jesus is the patience of God.  God is, undoubtedly, great and does wondrous deeds.  Yet he is merciful at the same time. We need patience, those of us who are in a hurry.  So, little wonder we love fast food. We do not like, besides, long lines of people at the bank...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Things Ordinary, Yet Eye-Opening

In Jesus dwells bodily the fullness of God.  He is the fullest meaning of things, which he uncovers for us to see. Being on top of things and aware of what is going on, Jesus tells the parable of the sower.  He turns the sower of people’s experience into a “Gospel...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Image of the Invisible and Inaccessible God

Jesus is the very imprint of the being of God. He shows by words and deeds what it means to mirror faithfully the God who created us in his image. No one has ever seen God.  Nor can we go near the light where he dwells.  But this invisible and unapproachable King of...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Better for Us Is Shame, Rather Than Praise

Jesus is the embodiment of the truth that it is better to receive shame than praise from the world. The world cannot accept the Word.  The Word is in the world but the world does not know him even.  Though coming to his own, the Word is still not acceptable.  Worldly...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

See the Master, and you see the Father

Jesus alone makes us see the Father fully. We can see the Father fully, even here below, through his only Son.  He is in the bosom of the Father there above. That is because the only Son has become flesh and dwelt among us in Jesus.  He is the same as the one who is...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Newness that Is Amazing and Shocking

Jesus embodies newness.  This newness amazes and shocks. The newness that is Jesus shows up undoubtedly as he feeds about five thousand.  Like sheep, they rest in green pastures. Due to the newness of the sign Jesus does, those who have eaten try to make him king. ...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Grace and Love and Communion for Us

Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, God reveals his love to us.  He wants us to enjoy the communion of the Holy Spirit. Grace is ours through Moses.  Grace, on the other hand, comes to us through Jesus Christ.  God gives him to the world, so that we may have...

Patience like the Patience of a Farmer

Spirit of Signs, Life as well as Truth

At the request of Jesus, God gives the Holy Spirit to those who love Jesus. First, the Spirit remains with those who prove they love Jesus by keeping his commandments.  As the presence of the Ascended one who has become the Giver of gifts, the Spirit equips believers...