Ross Dizon


Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Jesus is the only Son who is in the bosom of the Father.  Through him, we are children by adoption, and so we cry, “Father,” which then means we are sisters and brothers. Jesus says that his mother, sisters and brothers are those who do God’s will (Mk 3, 35).  It...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Noise, Driving Wind, Tongues of Fire

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit that comes from the Father (Jn 15, 26).  And not to have this Spirit is not to belong to Christ, and not be but noise. It is not that God likes noise.  In fact, he was in a soft whisper (1 Kgs 19, 12).  But he has to vie for people’s...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Heaven, Where the Risen Christ Is

Jesus went up to heaven and sits at the right hand of God.  That is why we gaze on him, the same one who also came down to earth. To rise with Christ means to seek what is in heaven (Col 3, 1).  But after the ascension, the eleven go forth to preach.  Is it due to...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Commandments that Make Love Known

Jesus embodies love.  And he sees to it that we catch this love.  Hence, he gives us commandments that will lead us to love as he loves. Jesus loves his own who are in the world not in theory but in practice.  And he does so before he teaches them his commandments; he...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Branches that Remain on the Vine

Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches.  That we remain in him, and he in us, is what makes us bear much fruit. In Ps 80, the Shepherd of Israel is asked to bring back his people.  This people started out as a vine that God brought out of Egypt and transplanted. ...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Lead God’s Flock in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus shows what God does to lead his flock.  And so, he also gives a model for his shepherds. The crowds longed for someone to lead them out of the mess, a Messiah to guide a people in trouble.  But they ended up disappointed since they did not want a suffering...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Misgivings, Doubts, Questions, Darkness

Jesus was once dead, but now he lives forever and ever (Rev 1, 18).  For God raised him from the dead.  May our misgivings not lead us to deny him. It is hard to get rid of misgivings.  And misgivings can easily arise even in the hearts of the disciples. But...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Joyful to See the Lord in Their Midst

The risen Christ stands in the midst of his disciples and wishes them peace.  He shows them his hands and his side.  And they turn joyful. The disciples are not at all joyful after the death of Jesus.  They are even broken and hopeless. For not only do they miss their...

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Jesus has risen and has appeared to his disciples.  He chooses them as witnesses who will attest that he is alive. The disciples have not seen Jesus rise from the dead. At first, Mary Magdalen can only attest that she has seen the stone removed from the tomb. And for...