Ross Dizon


Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Jesus has risen and has appeared to his disciples.  He chooses them as witnesses who will attest that he is alive. The disciples have not seen Jesus rise from the dead. At first, Mary Magdalen can only attest that she has seen the stone removed from the tomb. And for...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Enlighten and Glorify Men and Women

Jesus has come to enlighten the Gentiles and to give glory to Israel (Lk 2, 32).  Hence, he cannot but draw all to himself. Scholars say that the accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke show Jesus as the Suffering Servant. In John, on the other hand, Jesus is kingly and...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Hallow, Honor the Temple of the Lord

Jesus is the final temple that we must hallow.  For through him, God is in the midst of the people in the best way that no one can surpass. Zeal for God’s house gets the better of Jesus.  That is why he is mad at the merchants and money changers in the temple area. ...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Walk before the Lord with Faith

Jesus gives us a model to follow so that we may do what he does.  We only need to walk with him to learn to walk before the Lord. One can guess that Abraham cannot help to walk sometimes with nearby peoples.  It would be odd, then, if he does not know that they make...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Moments of Trial and Fall, Triumph and Grace

Jesus is the Good News for all the moments of joy, light, sorrow and glory.  Are we his followers such Good News? Matthew’s account of the temptation of Jesus has eleven verses; Luke’s, thirteen.  But there are just two in Mark's.  The two show that Jesus spends...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Hands Outstretched to the Quarantined

Jesus stretches out his hand to the quarantined, marginalized, excluded, unclean.  His followers are to stretch out their hands to them, too. The law asks quarantine for those with leprosy, though this may be no more than a skin eruption.  And others should not touch...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Persevere in the Faith and in Service

Jesus does not lose heart till he brings justice to the earth.  As disciples we are to follow him and to persevere in the faith and in service. Job muses that life is but a drudgery.  Hence, he seems to lose heart; it seems he is not going to persevere.  Never mind...

Attest that Jesus Is among the Living

Speak as Our Teacher Commands Us to Do

Jesus is the Word of the Father.  So, he does not speak on his own; the Father who has sent him commands him what to say (Jn 12, 49).  We, in turn, should only speak what Jesus tells us. God starts to speak, and just like that creation gets underway.  That means, he...