We know Vincent heard the cries of the poor. Can we listen as Vincent did?
John Freund, CM
The Church Is No Expert…
Pope Francis call us to explore together how our Catholic social tradition can help the human family heal this world that suffers from serious illnesses.
Speaking Truth to Power
Pope Francis and St. Vincent spoke truth to power. What guidelines might be helpful consider in speaking truth to power?
Vincentian Prayer Images: Getting To Know Our Family
What couldn’t we do if we got to know other branches of our Vincentian Family, especially in our local area?
EMMY Blesses Good News!
“God is with us. This is the message of hope that we want to shout from the rooftops, that we want to beam over the airwaves, that we want to put on the front page of our publications and post on our social media accounts.”
Change Agents – Our Heritage
A description of a change agent – “one who can make changes happen by inspiring and influencing others.” How does that fit you, St. Vincent de Paul, and the Vincentian Family?
Vincentian Prayer Images: St. Vincent of the Alleys
Where and how do we today walk the back alleys of our world?
“… In Name Only”?
Do we have a “cafeteria mentality” when choosing what it means to be a Catholic?
Does “Good News” Call for Change?
Do we realize that personal transformation is the seed for systemic change?
Vincentian Prayer Images: Doing What We Can
What holds me back from doing what I can? Do I pray that we live this heritage today?