John Freund, CM


John Freund is a Vincentian priest with a passion for promoting collaboration among the many people inspired by Saints Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac and who welcomes your engagement. Share your ideas and experiences!
Presuppositions – what are our presuppotions?

Presuppositions – what are our presuppotions?

Presuppositions – what are our presuppotions? There has already been much ink spilled about the World Synod of the Family … and more will be spilled in the run up to the 2015 installment. My concern is that so much of the writing is rooted in presuppositions which are never dealt with consciously. Too often presuppositions are a form of “poisoning wells” or ideological “spin”.

Why is it that other people “resist”?

Why is it that other people "resist"? There has been a lot of talk about resistance to changes in the church and in society. But as I read the blogs and the tweets I am struck by the fact that many seem to assume that it is "the other" who is resisting. Whether it is...