World Youth Day

Pope to young people at WYD vigil: “We did not come into the world to ‘vegetate'” Pope Francis arrived at Campus Misericordiae or "Field of Mercy” holding the hands of several youth of the world. Together, they passed through this symbolic Holy Door. Even some accompanied him in the Popemobile to the huge...

Vincentian Youth at WYD2016: A Gallery

Rain can't stop them!  

Behind World Youth Day: Facts

As close to 2,000,000 youth gather in Cracovia for World Youth Day, it's good to remember from where many have come, and what the world situation looks like. Facts: Youth are a significant group in the world. The number of youth between the ages of 15 and 24 is 1.1...

Participating in WYD via a modern miracle

It has been referred to as a "Catholic Woodstock" and a 21st-century version of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Whatever the description, the expectation is that more than one million youth will make a pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland June 26-31 for World Youth Day. The...

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