Vincentians of Wherever

Called By Name #VincentiansofWherever #IamVincent

“The measure of our compassion lies not in our service to those on the margins, but in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship. And that means the decided movement towards awe and giant steps away from judgement.” -Greg Boyle, SJ A few weeks ago, I walked into a...

Good News: Helping one another carry his/her burden each day. @NiagarUniv #IamVincent

Amid the conical hats, demands for hot tea and general hullabaloo of New Year’s Eve was a gripping mini-documentary about a new program that launched last fall at a high school in Boca Raton, Fla. Produced by MassMutual, the three-minute piece spotlighted We Dine...

January: a USA season of protests #IamVincent

January brings a new year, and renewed attention to continuing social issues in the United States: Abortion, Women's rights, racism. DACA is still under siege. Why should Vincentians be present? A reflection by Colorado Vincentian Volunteer alumna and Vincentian Lay...

Each Person Has A Story

“Each person has a story” so said my friend A. C. When I was asked to write a piece about the Vincentian charism in action, I was still trying to decide what to do when I went to Mass at Sacred Heart Parish, Mill Hill, London, UK.  “A” is known to me as an AIC member,...
Where Are the Young Leaders?

Where Are the Young Leaders?

The young leaders are here! Meet Remberth Alonso Falla Zuloeta, of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Perú. He's been a local conference leader, a national formator, and now is a member of the team of the Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program, promoting...

Neighbors on the Border

Neighbors on the Border

I have heard the story of the Good Samaritan countless times: I remember reading it in my Children’s bible with illustrated pictures, seeing the parable come to life in skits and reenactments during retreats, and hearing homilies on the many messages contained in this...

Living Their Values @NiagaraUniv

Living Their Values @NiagaraUniv

What makes a Vincentian? At a fundamental level, Vincentians are people committed to living their values. “It was nice to see Niagara standing by their values,” said Gabriel, an English major. “I love how Niagara University gives back to the local communities and is...