vincentian spirituality

In This Together (Joshua 24; John 6)

Our believing is not solitary. The quality of one person’s faith spills over into the religious convictions of all the others.

Acquiring A Taste (Ps 34,9; John 6)

People develop tastes for different things.

“Come Apart For A While …” (Mk. 6:30)

There’s a scene in chapter 6 of Mark’s gospel which has special appeal to anyone who has ever been caught up in an over-busy, fast paced life.

Gracious Acts (2 Corinthians, 8:7-15)

A two-word phrase Paul inserts in his letter to the Corinthians is so brief as to go almost unnoticed, but it opens onto a truth at the heart of the Gospel.

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

Getting Ready…Be Prepared

“Getting Ready” (Wisdom 6:12-16; Mt 25:1-13) “Be Prepared” is a famous theme in Boy Scout lore but also frequently shows up in the Scriptures. The injunction in the Book of Wisdom to keep a watchful eye for the coming of God’s presence (Wisdom 6), and Jesus’ praise of...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

Words That Ring Deep and True

Some years ago, I experienced what you might call a “surprise in sound.” Coming down a corridor talking with a few other people in normal voices, we turned a corner into a smaller space. All at once our voices took on another sound -- fuller, richer, you might even...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

The Character of God

I remember talking to a man who was leaving a good position in his company after over 30 years on the job. He didn’t want to, but he said it wasn’t the same company he had come to those three decades ago. He lamented that it had lost its lights and heart, particularly...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

The Finger of God

Just last week at the end of a sequence of calamitous happenings in the country and world, someone remarked that if he had one wish it would be that when turning on the news he’d hear something other than bad news. His wish caught the dark and heavy feelings of the...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

On Not Shutting Down

I know two young men who were given a set of CD’s of the greats in classical music. Neither of them ever listened to nor had any appreciation for this kind of track. The one said, “This stuff is boring and even hard on my ears. I’ll humor my uncle who gave them to me,...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

Living in a Time of Extremes

To us who live in a time when extremes on the left and right of the spectrum seem glaring, St. Paul comes with this counsel for keeping on course. “Do not conform yourselves to this age. But be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” To paraphrase him, “There are...

Recounting Grace (Luke 24:35)

The 400th Anniversary of Our Charism

A paraphrase of the opening line today from Isaiah reads: “How beautiful are the feet of the one who brings glad tidings, announces peace, carries good news, tells us that our salvation is here and now, and does all this by a life-changing proclamation. And that is,...