Vincentian Mission Corps

Attention Young Adults! Virtual Lenten Vincentian Retreat

Alumni of a Vincentian service program for young adults are invited to gather in prayer and reflection on Thursday evenings. 

VLM/VMC Impact: The Decision to Be Vincentian at My Job and in My Life

I was sure that I was not coming to Chepnyal to cause harm in anyway, therefore the promise of coming in peace and leaving in peace appeared easy.

Vincentian Mission Corps Merges With Vincentian Service Corps West

The Daughters of Charity announce the merger of their two, U.S., volunteer programs—Vincentian Mission Corps (VMC) and Vincentian Service Corps West (VSC-West).

VLM/VMC Impact: “I Come in Peace and Will Leave in Peace”

I was sure that I was not coming to Chepnyal to cause harm in anyway, therefore the promise of coming in peace and leaving in peace appeared easy.