Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

“I know that God does not forget us,” Véronique, from the Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda

Now that there is this coronavirus disease, the situation has gotten worse, especially for us who are old.  We have even less food for all of us in the camp.

Diaries of a Vincentian: To Die Like a Dog…

I don’t know his name, his story, or the end of his tragedy. But I will never forget that scene…

Young and Old, Supported by the Daughters of Charity in Kenya

In Kenya, the Daughters of Charity have joined the 13 Houses Campaign with two projects, one supporting street children and another one for the elderly.

Diaries of a Vincentian: Rocco

I knew him as Rocco, his nickname. Every week, we’d chat. His ‘patch’ was outside Sainsbury’s, the main supermarket in Cambridge.

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