Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance

“Accompanying the Journey of a Refugee to a Safe Place”: the FHA Invites the Vincentian Family to Attend its Second International Conference

The main event will take place in Seville, Spain, from 7th-9th June. This time the type of homelessness addressed is that of refugees, internally displaced people and victims of human trafficking.

The Vincentian Family is Helping Families in the Philippines to Rebuild Their Lives

Thanks to your generous gifts, the FHA raised 118,236 USD. These donations will allow us to provide 100 emergency shelter kits and build 13 permanent typhoon resistant houses for families in need.

Championing the Rights of Street Children in Kenya

A year-long campaign called “Home First” will raise awareness about the situation of street children, and to confront the causes that can lead children to become homeless in Kenya.

The Vincentian Family is Promoting the Housing of Homeless Around the World

Homelessness. For the Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH), this term refers to homeless people; people living on the street or people living in transient, inadequate or insecure housing. Changing this reality is the goal of the 13 Houses Campaign, which will...