Formation: Systemic change

Lent is a Call to Change Our Way of Thinking

Over his lifetime he created a network of institutions dedicated to initial formation. We call this systemic change by the name of seminaries.

Collaboration Works! – Good News

Demonstrations of the power of collaboration in systemic change.

What’s Your Take on Systemic Change?

What’s your take on Systemic Change? I thought I would ask you to share what you think is the state of systemic change in the Vincentian Family.

Updating Our Mental Maps of Ministry

Are we aware of the changing landscape of poverty and new needs? Do we need to update our mental maps?

Vincentian Spirituality and Systemic Change

Vincentian Spirituality and Systemic Change

Vincentian Spirituality is a spirituality that emerges from the contact with the poor. The two events of Folleville and Chatillon marked the life of Saint Vincent de Paul. These two episodes lead him from the beginning in the elaboration of his itinerary of faith: an...

A one person collaborative effort?

A one person collaborative effort?

Mark McGreevey’s in combatting homelessness are successful because the many people he’s recruited to work with him from all walks of life in seven countries, and soon many more. He’s also successful, because he successfully roped the Daughters of Charity, a few of us priests and brothers and tons of lay Vincentians to join him.

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

In his wonderful new book Vincentian Meditations, Tom McKenna has a chapter on “seeing better.” He asks “what does standing under Vincent’s influence do to an individual?” And one response is that one can see better. That can mean many things but it might would...