Formation: systemic change analysis

No Easy Answers #IamVincent

People are always looking for the easiest answers to poverty. There are no easy answers. Practitioners of systemic change know this. They know that poverty is a complex problem. There was an critique of one of those "easy answers" published earlier this summer. The...

Discovering Opportunities for Systemic Change

How did Vincent discover opportunities that turned to systemic change?

The Difference is Often the Resources

The difference between “getting by” resources and “getting ahead” resources

Systemic Change – Doing the Next Right Thing

Vincent accomplished so much by simply by seizing the day and doing the next right thing.

What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

Under the title "What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them" David L. Kirp writes in the Sunday Review of a principle that is bedrock for the Vincentian Family approach to systemic change. Invite everyone to the table, especially those most affected! He writes, FOR...