Formation: systemic change analysis

Learning From God’s Model Of Changing History

What can we learn about being chang agents from imitating God’s model of bringing about a change in our ways of thinking?

The Vincentian Family In Time-lapse Photography

Listening to “A Daring Prudence,” Fr. Robert Maloney’s overview of the development of the Vincentian Family, evoked metaphors from photography.

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same?

The following reflection was written by Jim Claffey during the last election cycle in the US. Just change the candidates’ names for today.

More Than the Appendix in Bed 404B

Doctors need to treat that appendix. But that appendix is not something in a laboratory dish. It is part of the many systems we call a person. And that person is part of many other systems.

Uncomfortable with systemic change?

Uncomfortable with systemic change?

Uncomfortable with systemic change? It is no secret that many people are uncomfortable with systemic change.  It seems to be so hard to get a handle on. On the other hand there are others who are comfortable with what they think is systemic change. Actually what they...

Firefighters and Electrical Engineers

Collective Impact: Three Basic Questions

by Mike Clark In providing services and programs to assist those in poverty, there are several basic questions we need to ask ourselves to determine whether or not what we are doing is making a difference. Namely: How much did we do? How well did we do it? Is anyone...

Can you explain this systemic change?

Can you explain this systemic change?

If someone asked you, could you explain systemic change without a lot of words? Here is a simple set of resources that go a long way. Three quick slide shows where the pictures tell the story with a minimum of words. A restaurant, a flat tire and a broken ankle - each...

Firefighters and Electrical Engineers

Collective Impact in Systemic Change

by Mike Clark Is there an impact -- a collective impact - -that can be demonstrated in a systemic change initiative? The call to action for this year of Vincentian collaboration is “together in Christ, we Vincentians make a difference.” I believe we do make a...