St. Vincent de Paul Society helps students with college costs

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix is working to help ease that burden for young adults living in their area.

Listen in Silence –- Let the Spirit Lead- Feel the Joy – Journey to God’s Mountain

Listen in Silence –- Let the Spirit Lead- Feel the Joy – Journey to God’s Mountain

SVDP helps prisoners cope after 30 years

The change in my perspective during these two Council visits involved looking differently at prison visits.

Jesus and the Homeless

Gerald O’Collins SJ asks us to think about the way in which Jesus identified himself with the homeless, and took every opportunity to speak about and help them. When we consider that Jesus himself was homeless for much of his life, how does this challenge us to see the face of Jesus in all of those in need?

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833)

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833)

Happy Birthday to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23, 1833) For resources related to the Society, visit VinFormation’s collection “Resources tagged: Society of St. Vincent de Paul”. The collection includes video, presentations, prayers, and more. Today is also Frederic Ozanam’s birthday. He was 20 years old when he helped found the Society. For resources related to Frederic Ozanam, visit “Resources tagged: Bl. Frederic Ozanam”.

“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I have a passion for the issues that face those we visit. And I know that advocacy would help. But I’m just one person. What can I do?” Jack Murphy, Atlanta, GA, National Voice Of the Poor Chair voices the concern and offers a Vincentian response…. Just one person can make a difference.