St. John’s University

Vincentian Leadership Institute for High School Students

St. John's is running its second year of the Vincentian Leadership Institute: Faith and Service in the City. Faith and Service in the City connects high school students to Catholic and Vincentian traditions in New York City. Explore theology, experience NYC, and grow...

Journal of Vincentian Social Action: New Release on the 400th Anniversary of Vincentians

Journal of Vincentian Social Action (JoVSA) is a biannual peer reviewed scholarly publication engaging the local, national and global community on issues of poverty and social injustice in the service of the disadvantaged. Rooted in the Catholic and Vincentian...

Vincentians of Wherever: Recovery in New Orleans

Keeping in touch with Vincentian friends - whether or not they are part of any "official" branch -- is very Vincentian. Vincent kept in touch. He wrote over 30,00 pieces of correspondence. Imagine if he had Facebook and Twitter?! I've kept loosely in touch with a St....

Students Share Time with Vincentian Family U.N. Representatives

Wednesday, November 1 was All Saint Day, and I found myself sitting in a meeting room at The Church Center at United Nations Headquarters in New York with a group of approximately 35 college students from Saint John’s University. Included as part of the group were a...
Vincentian Center hosts poverty conference

Vincentian Center hosts poverty conference

The Vincentian Center for Church and Society at St. John’s—along with the faculty Vincentian Research Fellows—hosted the daylong event, entitled “Care for Our Common Home: The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.” Approximately 240 participants, attendees,...

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie - St. John’s University students have been invited and challenged to enter into the experience of Blessed Rosalie Rendu and Frederic Ozanam in the Freshman Rendu Plunge August 21-25 2015. Almost 200 years ago a fellow student at the...

Look with love… move with mercy

Look with love… move with mercy

St. John's University chose “Look with love… move with mercy” as the theme for it 2015 celebration of Founder's Week. Fr. John Maher, C.M. shares this presentation which challenges us to “Look with love… move with mercy” as did St. Vincent. He walks us through where...