St. John’s University

Vincentians Serve! #IamVincent @StJohn’s

This past Winter break, January 10-15, students of St. John’s University traveled to Germantown, PA as a part of the university PLUNGE program. One of many service immersion programs offered each year, so named as students “plunge” into a new community and commit to...

#IamVincent @ St. John’s: Vincentians Teach!

Essential questions such as, “What makes a great teacher?”; “What is success at the NYC Teaching Collaborative?”; “How can I prepare myself for the challenges of teaching in a high-need school?”; and “How do I close the academic achievement gap in my classroom?” guide...

Vincentian Center hosts poverty conference

The Vincentian Center for Church and Society at St. John’s—along with the faculty Vincentian Research Fellows—hosted the daylong event, entitled “Care for Our Common Home: The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.” Approximately 240 participants, attendees,...

Vincentians of Wherever: Ozanam Scholars in Action

Ozanam Scholars, like thousands of Vincentian Volunteers, can be found… wherever! Every year, from periods of ten days to two years and more, Vincentians are acting as missionaries: using their skills to encounter, to partner with, and to be changed by the experience...

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