
“Bring Good News To the Poor” – Jesus’ Mission Statement

Jesus Mission statement is short. “Bring Good News to the poor.” Six words! They were the most powerful words in his life. What did these words mean to Saints Vincent and Louise? Us?

Father’s Day and the Fatherhood of God

It’s common for people to perceive God is like the fatherly figures in their lives. I experienced my father as loving.

Changing the Clocks of Our Lives

This year the changing of our time clocks coincides with the beginning of Lent. is an opportunity to step back and look at the vocational choices we have already made – marital, religious, or priestly.

Elizabeth Seton: A Spirituality for Mission

A SlideShare presentation based on an article by Sr. Gertrude Foley, S.C. looks at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s “spirituality for mission”… a guide for present-day Vincentians to avoid some of the ways that we block our own effectiveness as servants of God.