
Matters Concerning the Sick: A Vincentian Perspective

Presentation based on an article by Vicente de Dios Toribio, C.M.

What does Blessed Rosalie Rendu teach us today?

Presentation adapted from an article by Fr. Jean-Pierre Renouard, C.M.

Blessed Rosalie Rendu: Martyr of Charity

By her life, her works, her spirituality, she embodied the vision of a “martyr of charity” painted by Saint Vincent de Paul.

Who are the Two Blessed Daughters of Charity, Martyrs of Angers?

The story of Bl. Marie-Anne Vaillot and Bl. Odile Baumgarten, Daughters of Charity martyred during the French Revolution on February 1, 1794.

Thoughts on Pentecost

Thoughts on Pentecost

Souls that are truly poor and desirous of serving God should place their trust in the coming of the Holy Spirit within them believing that, finding no resistance in them, He will give them the disposition necessary to accomplish the holy will of God which should be...