
Vincent de Paul: Saint of Charity, Saint of Justice

Fr. Alvaro Quevedo Patarroyo, C.M. gives us food for thought in his article "Saint Vincent, Priest of Charity at the Service of the Poor: Caring for Spiritual and Temporal Needs" (Vincentiana: Vol. 44 : No. 3, Article 6.)   [slideshare...

St. Vincent and the Congregation of the Mission 1625-1660

In Vincent’s time, the poor were largely neglected, illiterate, and spiritually ignorant. The clergy were sadly inadequate. St. Vincent founded the Congregation of the Mission to preach to the country poor and to help reform the clergy.

“Walking With Vincent” with Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, CM

As we approach St. Vincent’s Feast Day on September 27, let’s visit with Fr. Griffin some of the places in France where St. Vincent lived and ministered.

September 11: Feast of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M.

On the feast day of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M., we offer this brief presentation based on an article that originally appeared on   [button...
Bl. Marguerite Rutan, D.C.

Bl. Marguerite Rutan, D.C.

Blessed Marguerite Rutan was a French Daughter of Charity who served as the mother superior of a hospital until the time of the French Revolution, when she was executed based on allegations of fanaticism and anti-Revolution sentiment. Guillotined on 9 April 1794 at...