Sisters of Charity

Sisters of Charity of Immaculate Conception celebrate 160 years

Sisters of Charity of Immaculate Conception celebrate 160 years

Sisters of Charity (Nazareth) move in new ministries in health

Called to be a new way of being and ministering, SCNs in health ministry moves into primary health care. Twenty-five Sisters were present for the meeting at Nazareth Convent, Mokama, on Oct. 12, 2014.

Sisters of Charity Seton Hill show nuances of research

Are sisters growing or declining? There is a great need for nuances according to a new CARA report. Individual communities show varied, nuanced trends.

UN News – Sisters of Charity Federation

Featured stories about orientations to the UN for various groups, resources for climate change, a profile of the Sisters of Charity of Greensburg in Korea and some dates to remember.

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