
Bl. Marguerite Rutan, D.C.

Blessed Marguerite Rutan was a French Daughter of Charity who served as the mother superior of a hospital until the time of the French Revolution, when she was executed based on allegations of fanaticism and anti-Revolution sentiment. Guillotined on 9 April 1794 at...

Blessed Daughters of Charity, Martyrs of Arras, and Bl. Marguerite Rutan, D.C.

June 26 is the feast day of five Daughters of Charity who were guillotined by the French revolutionary government.

Blessed Marguerite Rutan, D.C.: died April 9, 1794

Blessed Marguerite Rutan was a Daughter of Charity who was martyred during the French Revolution.

June 26: Blessed Marie-Madeleine Fontaine, Marie-Françoise Lanel, Thérèse Fantou, Jeanne Gérard and Marguerite Rutan

June 26 is the memorial of Blessed Marguerite Rutan D.C., and Blessed Maria Magdalene Fontaine D.C. and Companions, Martyrs of Arras. Learn more in two SlideShare presentations.