Rosalie Rendu

A Wide-angle View – Vocations To the Charism

Fr. Mavric invites every member of the Vincentian Family to take one very concrete step; that is, every member is to bring one new candidate to one of the branches of the Vincentian Family.

Seeing Potential and Fostering It In Young People

It has been written of Frederic Ozanam: “While innovators wore themselves out with theories for changing the world, these young men set about climbing up to the floors where the misery of the poor hid.”

The Origin of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: Bringing together two worlds that did not know each other

This was the crisis situation in which 7 young men stood up and decided “to go to the margins”. This is a dramatic, very moving and very topical story, with many parallels between that period and our own.

“Be kind and love”– Blessed Rosalie Rendu

“Be kind and love, for love is your first gift to the poor. They will appreciate your kindness and your love more than all else you can bring them.” – Blessed Rosalie

Sister Rosalie’s Funeral

Sister Rosalie’s Funeral

This Wednesday is the anniversary of the beatification of Rosalie Rendu, D.C. She was beatified on Nov. 9, 2003 by Pope John Paul II. In celebration I would like to share several excerpts from the book by Sister Louise Sullivan, D.C.: "Sister Rosalie Rendu: A Daughter...