Frederic Ozanam

Vincentian Prayer Images: Carrying Firewood To a Widow of Cholera Epidemic

What can I do as an individual to help others cope with their fears and losses?

Blessed Frederic Ozanam and the Cholera Epidemic of His Time

Looking at some of Frederic Ozanam’s experiences during the cholera pandemic of his time, we can draw many parallels with our situation today.

Pope Francis and Ozanam on Systemic Change

What do Pope Francis (2020), Pope Pius XI (1927) and Bl. Frederic Ozanam (1848) have in common?

Vincentians Gather in the Nation’s Capital to Celebrate Founder

A mosaic of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, was dedicated during a special Mass at the Basilica.

Frederic Ozanam on Building the Good Society

Given the profound questions Pope Francis is raising about our society it might be very instructive to take a few minutes to watch a series of videos in which Dr. Raymond Sickinger, Ph.D. leads discussion of a paper by Dr. David L. Gregory, Ph.D., entitled “Antoine...

Blessed Fredrick Ozanam “I am a Father!”

Blessed Fredrick Ozanam “I am a Father!”

“After so many favors that were set down in my vocation in this world, a new blessing has come to me, to know the greatest joy probably it is possible to experience here below: I am a father!” –Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, in a letter to his friend Theophile Foisset, July...

Can we hear words of this young person?

Can we hear words of this young person?

Can we hear words of this young person? Karl Michael Hila draws our attention to a young person named Frederic Ozanam. "The earth has become a chilly place. It is up to us Catholics to rekindle the flame of human warmth which is going out. It is up to us to recommence...