Frederic Ozanam

Visit to the Tomb of Frederic Ozanam (video)

Visit the tomb of Frederic Ozanam in this video from VinFlix. Commentary by Fr. Joseph Agostino, C.M.

Do You Remember 9/11… and 8/4?

The explosion on 8/4 will be seared into the minds of every person in Lebanon. Beirut, with its estimated 300,000 homeless is almost already forgotten in world media.

“I, Frederic” – New Book on Frederic Ozanam

I chose to write an “autobiography” of a man who never wrote an autobiography. 187 years after his death, I did this because I have such admiration for him.

Vincentian Prayer Images: Home visits à la Frederic

(We learn about those we serve)… “not from books nor from the public platform, but in climbing the stairs to the poor man’s garret, sitting by his bedside, feeling the same cold that pierces him.” Frederic Ozanam

Our Excuses For Not Giving

Our Excuses For Not Giving

During Lent, we are asked to focus more closely on almsgiving. Almsgiving can take many forms, but here, let’s think about straightforward monetary donations. Read and ponder what Frederic Ozanam had to say…

Special request for the intercession of Bl. Frederic

Special request for the intercession of Bl. Frederic

Society of St. Vincent dePaul CEO, David Barringer writes... Our fellow Vincentian, friend and National CFO Richard Morin is undergoing a serious medical condition.  On behalf of President Sheila and myself, we ask you to pray for Richard using the attached Frederick...

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie

Experiencing Frederic and Rosalie - St. John’s University students have been invited and challenged to enter into the experience of Blessed Rosalie Rendu and Frederic Ozanam in the Freshman Rendu Plunge August 21-25 2015. Almost 200 years ago a fellow student at the...

Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today

History does repeat itself! Frederic Ozanam speaks to us today in this letter written by Blessed Fredric in 1836. It is rich food for thought as we prepare to celebrate his feast September 9. If in the Middle Ages a sick society could be healed only through a huge...